MCKS Pranic Healing Level 1 (Basic) in Manassas, VA
Unlock Your Inner Healing Abilities. During this Hands-on Workshop, Learn and Practice:
- Scanning to feel the energy body (the invisible part of you)
- How to remove old, stagnant energies and replace with fresh revitalizing energies
- How to balance the energy centers and feel centered
- Protocols from simple to moderate ailments such as headaches, stress, burns, cuts, sprains, fever, arthritis, PMS and much more.
- How to avoid contamination to maintain Energy Hygiene which is vital to good health
- A yogic breathing technique that quickly empowers you
- Removing aches and pains using simple Self-Healing techniques
- Healing your friends and loved ones using Distant Healing techniques
- Meditation on Twin Hearts, an advanced form of meditation that transforms people into powerful loving people
Schedule: September 24-25, 9am-5pm
Fees: Early Bird New Student $375 (by Sept 19th) | Regular Price New Student $400 | Review $70