The Great Invocation (13″ x 19″) (Consecrated by GMCKS)


The Great Invocation is a mantra given in 1937 to Alice Bailey by the Holy Master Djwal Khul. It is a world prayer, translated into almost 70 languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power to aid the Plan of God find full expression on Earth. To use it is an act of service to humanity and the Christ.

This Great Invocation Poster was specially consecrated by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for protection & home protection from the upcoming earth changes. It was blessed on August 15, 2002 and programmed for 50 years to Aug. 14, 2052. Several testimonials received for those who were saved from calamities with the presence of this poster in their house. It is loaded with protective spiritual energy.

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