Level 1 (Basic) Pranic Healing Class
Pranic Healing is no-touch “energy technology” that uses simple steps to rebalance the energy system for physical, emotional, and psychological ailments. In this hands-on workshop you will:
- Feel, and understand subtle energies
- Use your hands to scan for energetic causes of pain and disease
- Learn the 11 major chakras and the corresponding organs of the body
- Use simple steps to remove stagnant energies and replenish healthy energies.
- Revitalize the chakras and organs
- Learn energy first-aid and hygiene measures to maintain good health
- Learn the art of remote healing
- Fee: $375 earlybird, special scholarships available
- Instructor: Jean MacInnis, certified Pranic Healing Instructor
- Email Jean at truenorthph643@gmail.com to register and pay.