Basic Pranic Healing
Learn Basic Pranic Healing at Pebble Hill Church in Doylestown, PA. Pet owners may bring their pet to this class.
Pranic Healing helps the body & mind heal faster and easier from virtually any condition. It is easy to learn and anyone can do it.
Basic Pranic Healing (Level 1) teaches everything you need to heal yourself & others, both in person & remotely. This class will also prepare you to continue with Advanced Pranic Healing (Level 2) if you want to take your Energy studies further.
In this 2 day class, you will learn how to:
* help the body heal faster & easier from simple illnesses;
* reduce pain;
* decrease stress;
* replace stagnant energies with fresh, revitalizing energies;
* scan conditions of the aura and chakras;
* self heal and heal others;
* heal from a distance;
* disconnect from draining people & negative situations;
* keep yourself, your home & office energetically clean;
* see & feel Pranic Energy in nature.
In addition to the full Basic Pranic Healing curriculum, this class is pet-friendly. Your pet may sit with you during class. There will be extra time outside on Pebble Hill Church’s beautiful grassy grounds. You may bring your pet’s favorite foods & toys. And you can practice the techniques on yourself, your fellow students and your pet (animals love Pranic Healing!).