Advanced Pranic Healing with Dawn Myers in Atlanta, GA
Learn to utilize color prana for faster, more effective results. You will learn:
- Learn faster, more effective, more powerful healing techniques through the proper use of color
prana. - Enhance your healing skills by using your major chakras in the production of color prana.
- Learn about instantaneous healing of wounds, cell regeneration, cleansing of internal organs,
cleansing of the blood, master healing technique, and pranic anesthesia. - Understand the application of advanced pranic treatments for difficult conditions such as blood
disorders, cancer, stroke, diabetes and other system-related diseases. - Previous completion of Basic Pranic Healing Workshop required.
Schedule: Fri, May 20 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm and Sat, May 21 from 9:00am to 6:00pm
Fees: Early Bird New $500 (by April 29) | Regular Price New Student $575 | Review $150
Venue: HomeWood Suites by Hilton – 915 Crestline Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30328