Home Events - Pranic Healing USA Prosperity Workshops Spiritual Business Management MCKS Spiritual Business Management with Master Glenn and Master Marilag

MCKS Spiritual Business Management with Master Glenn and Master Marilag

Learn a revolutionary approach for the success and financial prosperity of businesses. By using energy and spiritual laws, the realization of plans and projects and overall implementation of labor relations can be made easier.
* Prerequisite: Pranic Healing Level 1 (Basic)
Status Early Bird Rate by September 17 Regular Rate At the Door Rate
New $450 $500 $575
Review $100 $150 $200

Spiritual Business Management Registration

Important Information

Venue: MCKS Meditation Center 4829 County Rt. 6, Bovina Center, NY 13740

Transportation: Due to Covid-19, we encourage you to make your own transportation arrangement. Please keep in mind that Newark Airport is 3 hours away from Bovina; Albany Airport is an hour away.

Meals: We offer delicious vegetarian meals to the attendees; however, since some people prefer not to have those meals, we charge separately for the meals we provide. The fee is $30 per person per day, and includes both lunch & dinner. If you are staying at the Chakra House, we will provide breakfast. If you are not staying at the Chakra House, please have breakfast at your inn or B&B.

Accommodations: Rooms available in a limited capacity in the MCKS Meditation Center’s Chakra House for $32.40/night. Additional options are to tent on the property also for $32.40/night or to stay at one of these recommended hotels and BnBs in the area.

Vending Information: If you would like to apply to be a vendor during the Higher Workshops weekend, please contact The Center for Pranic Healing at pranichealingusa@gmail.com or (201) 896-8500 for more information.

PranaKids will not be offered at this time.

COVID-19 Guidelines

  1. Please be advised that due to COVID-19, we are accepting only a limited number of participants for the Higher Workshops weekend.
  2. Social Distancing measures will be observed in both indoor and outdoor spaces.
  3. Face masks and face shields required.
  4. Vendors are only allowed outdoors.
  5. Transportation is the student’s responsibility.


Oct 11 2021


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 11 2021
  • Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

More Info

Register Here


New York


Master Glenn Mendoza