Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul
–Discover the nature of your soul and its journey through many lifetimes
-Learn how increasing the spiritual connection with your higher soul makes you naturally more intuitive
-Learn how your soul chooses your parents and place of birth. Discover how our experiences and life lessons are recorded and stored by the soul and how this determines your life’s purpose
-Use words of power (mantras) to quickly purge your aura of mental chatter and then raise your vibrations to achieve inner stillness and maintain emotional control in times of crisis
-Learn ancient meditation techniques to accelerate the union of your incarnated soul with your higher soul (a process called “yoga” or enlightenment)
-Discover the inner teachings of the blue pearl, the silver cords, and medical caduceus to raise the kundalini
-And much more
“By practicing stillness, one becomes aware of the divine presence within one’s self”
Schedule: Friday, February 7th, 6pm-10pm & Saturday, February 8th, 9am-9pm